Minggu, 07 Juni 2015


What is Lorem Ipsum Generator?

Welcome to the home of Lorem Ipsum text. You can build whole bunch of it using our super simple to use Lorem Ipsum Generator. There are plenty of variations possible; you can use Lorem Ipsum Generator to build your desired number of Lorem Ipsum paragraphs, words or sentences. Paragraphs, words, sentences. Our generator does them all. So, what can we get you from the Lorem Ipsum Generator menu today, sir?
There are also other useful options that will come handy when using Lorem Ipsum text. Lorem Ipsum Generator can automatically insert HTML markup and make your Lorem Ipsum text italic, bold or make an actual HTML paragraph. Did we just heard a big loud »Hooraaay!« from all of you graphich designers, webmasters and all other Lorem Ipsum Generator fans? Thank you all, we try to do our best!

When Was Lorem Ipsum Born?

Now, let's try to be a tad more serious and take a peek in the past, where does Lorem Ipsum text actually comes from and where in its path it became so darn popular even we decided it would be the focal point of our Lorem Ipsum Generator. Come on, jump onboard as we take a ride with the Lorem Ipsum time machine.
It all goes way back to 16th century, when an unknown printer obviously had enough of it trying to come up with some dummy text each and every time. So, this dude made a type specimen book using Lorem Ipsum text and … Lorem Ipsum was alive! But, of course, almost every true star needs time to grow in popularity, so it was in 1960's when Lorem Ipsum made it to the »front covers«. It was a major star in Letraset sheets publications released in 1960's. And then came computers and Lorem Ipsum, just like Michael Jackson and other real stars, used new technology and new media to grow even bigger. It was Aldus PageMaker software which gave Lorem Ipsum the opportunity and it grabbed it with both of its legs and arms … or something like that.

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